Oprah and 7 Cheating Husbands
I have just finished watching the Oprah. Pretty interesting topic. Seven men all in one room, spilling it all out, with their wives listening in the backstage. While watching, I thought to myself that if I were in the backstage listening, most likely I would lash out and storm into that room where the men are and beat the heck out of each and everyone one of them. "That's for all the women in the world!", I would say. Headline na lang sa Manila, "Pinay, lost it during Oprah show.". Hehehe. :)
Seriously, I got paranoid watching Oprah. I mean, those men were married for several years (one guy was married for 15 years before he had an affair), and that happened. No one is spared!
I mean, the wives didn't see it coming. Some never expected it, some thought all is fine. It just made me realize it could happen to ANYONE. So, if you men out there dare say "Nope, never. Not to me.". Ha! That's is one big lie. Even the men in the show admitted that if they were asked a few months before the affair, if they would even consider entering one, they would say that they would never do it --- and yet there they are.
It's so hard to trust someone, isn't it? I mean, I'd like to say I trust Brian, but the truth is out there --- men could cheat. Giving your trust to your man won't do a darn thing to prevent it from happening. Even the most trusting wives get burned.
So how do you stop it? Most of the men on the show admitted that they never planned the affair. "It just happened". It happened with a co-worker (that's my greatest fear), with a woman working at his son's daycare (Goodness! Your son is an "instrument" to the affair?????). Another guy said he had 2 girlfriends, he married one of them, walked down the aisle and all that, then two days after the wedding, he still went to hook-up with his other girlfriend. I just shake my head in disbelief.
I feel the pain the wives are feeling. Any woman knows HOW PAINFFUL that is, so why are there girls/women out there willing to have an affair with a married man? Don't they know that if that happened to them, the pain they would go through is beyond words? WHY?????
I'm not perfect either. I don't want to think I am condemning the cheating parties, it's just that I don't understand it. The men said they love their wives. Then what happened???? Love is not enough? The men said the affair fed their egos, gave them a boost, made them feel wanted. That's selfish, if you ask me.
It's scary to know no one is saved from this. How on earth can you prevent it then? If there is a book out there that describes how to make a relationship fool-proof, like an owner's manual to a relationship, I would seriously read it several times, follow it to the letter ---- I would do ANYTHING to avoid this. But can I really avoid it? I'm just scared of the fact that no one can be spared.
Oprah even mentioned a book called "The Script: The 100% Absolutely Predictable Thing Men Do When They Cheat". A part of me wants to go out and buy it. But I'm afraid it would be like opening Pandora's Box. Paranoia would probably get the best of me. I'd be looking for clues everywhere, reading between his lines every second. I would be like Sherlock Holmes on crack!
The book sound interesting (truth is interesting). Here's what it's all about:
From The Publisher:
Is your husband or boyfriend "on script"?
Does he look at other cheating men disapprovingly and reassure you, "I would never do
Has he ever told you, in the heat of an argument, that "you should seea psychiatrist"?
Does he often get irritated and say, "I keep telling you to…" get a job/a gym membership/a degree?If any of the above sounds familiar, be on your guard: Your husband may be following The Script. The Script: The 100% Absolutely Predictable Thing Men Do When They Cheat is a wake-up call to women everywhere. Statistics show that 35 percent of men cheat on their wives. Authors Elizabeth Landers and Vicky Mainzer contend that every one exhibits the same signs along the way.
In fact, they follow the same exact script. After interviewing over 100 people across the county, listening to hundreds of real-life stories of unfaithful husbands, they realized they were hearing the same things over and over again.
The script begins with a prelude. You see a friend leave his wife, and your husband promises "I'd never do that to you." Later—even years later—the curtain goes up. He starts to get distant…he starts hiding money…he gives you an unexpectedly expensive gift.
Don't be fooled: the script is underway. Like a screenplay for a movie you never wanted to see, The Script spells out what signs to look for, red flags you might not have noticed before, and how to turn the tide of disaster before it's too late.
Why can't everyone just be honest? I speak like I've been burned before. I
have. It teaches you to be on guard -- be paranoid even. There is some truth to the phrase "What you don't know won't hurt you.". But who wants to live in ignorance? Walking like a fool, not knowing there's something going on under your nose.
No one wants to be betrayed. But being on your toes every second is no way to live. What shoud be done then? All we can do now is to love, let go, and hope.
Love like you've never been hurt (love like you will never get hurt) -- that's a good way to love. Let go and surrender EVERYTHING to God. And hope that "we" can handle WHATEVER it is that would come our way --- and if we can't, let go and give it all to God. :)
At Thu May 05, 03:00:00 PM 2005,
Anonymous said…
Um, I just want to comment on this show. It's sorta unfair to single out men with regards to cheating but women also cheat. It's just that this show magnified the situation a bit. Why not put up a show with "Woment Who Cheat"? Well, that's just my take on it... Not everyone cheats, whether man or woman.
At Thu May 05, 04:58:00 PM 2005,
test111 said…
Oprah already did her "Women Who Cheat" segment. :) It's focus was on Suburban housewives, soccer moms ... you know, the type you wouldn't suspect to cheat but did.
Long before there was Desperate Housewives, Oprah already did a show on perfect wives who cheat. :)
It's the sad reality of love/life. No one is immune to it.
Hay buhay talaga... :(
At Fri May 06, 11:56:00 AM 2005,
OrangeLovinChick said…
Mindy, I wasn't able to catch that episode. That must've been interesting too. I was able to see another show on women who cheat, on another channel. Buhay nga naman talaga.
Anonymous, I totally see your point. Anybody can cheat. I guess it's all the same, be it man or a woman. Someone always gets hurt.
Vinz, hmmmmm...... would you like to expound on your comment? Hehehe. Kidding. Chat with ya soon dude. :)
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